Born July 10, 1955 in Lakeside, CA. She has crossed the Rainbow Bridge. She is with her puppy and all her animals. Linda was preceded in death by her daughter Shannon Marie Hayworth. She is survived by her loving husband and son, Marvin and Jeffery Hayworth. Mommy, R.I.P. with all our love, Daddy and Jeff.
Linda Jean (Burtts) Hayworth age 64 died surrounded by her loving family. Linda was fun to be around and enjoyed her life. As a lifelong believer in Jesus Christ, as her savior and redeemer, she looked forward to joining her deceased daughter Shannon Marie Hayworth and her parents Bennie and Norita (Priske) Burtts. Linda is survived by her husband Marvin Hayworth, son Jeffery Hayworth and grandson Jacob Hayworth. Linda was the first of five daughters and one son, she embraced her role as “leader of the pack”. She leaves behind her grieving siblings Bonnie (John) Jares, Bennie (Roxie) Burtts, Julie (Paul) Lasater, Cherie (Doug) Stoddard, and Shelly (Curtis) Eckhardt. She also leaves behind her step father John Jaszkowiak and many loved nieces and nephews.
Linda was born in San Diego, California as part of the baby boomer generation. In her youth, Linda was a bit of a wild child. She continued to embrace rock and roll and all music throughout her entire life. Although quite by nature she was once tossed from a Little League game for “cheering her son and dissing a Ref”. Linda had a wonderful goofy sense of humor and encouraged her siblings and those around her to join in on the joke. Linda was a “techie”, always the one that could program the VCR and hook up all electronics. She embraced computers and in later years FB. She showed her beautiful Samoyed dogs and posted many a picture of them in the ring and out thereby earning some ribbing from her nephews and nieces. Linda enjoyed her flowers each summer and was proud of her yard. She was an avid bird watcher and took amazing pictures of the birds at her feeders. She became one of the Wild Bird Store’s best customers.
Although usually a homebody, Linda, occasionally, joined her husband Marvin on some over the road cross country adventures in his semi –truck. She once traveled to the Caribbean after winning a “free” trip.
Linda had many assorted jobs though out her life being a CNA, a motel housekeeper, for many years she was a playground assistant at Burlington school, and at one time owned an in home daycare. Her stories of her two day stint as a Burger King employee were hilarious and she had total respect for fast food workers ever after. Linda’s favorite job was being Grandma to her only Grandson Jacob.
Linda was a ruthless scrabble player, a very good foosball player and she really liked video games from the first pong and space invaders games to the later Farmville, Candy Crush and many others. Linda liked crossword puzzles and made a mean peach cobbler.
Linda died bravely and graciously of NALD and will be missed by all who knew her.