In Memory

Gary Strever

Gary Strever

Gary Lee Strever Obituary

Gary Lee Strever left this world in the early hours of September 4, 2024. He was born on September 2, 1955, to Gary and Josephine Strever. While he was young, Gary played baseball, football and helped his dad work on cars, and you can only imagine those conversations happening in the garage.

Gary graduated from West High in 1973. Gary worked various jobs such as meat packing, fencing and roofing. He met Billie and they got married in May of 1974. During their marriage, they had 5 children. Gary started his lifelong career on the railroad with Burlington Northen. As Gary got started, he finally got steady work as a carman all the way to being a locomotive engineer. After working with BN, Gary started with Montan Rail Link in 1987, where he retired in 2015 as a locomotive engineer.

On Gary’s days off, he was always visiting his mother and father. Whether it is at the bar with his father, or at the house with his mother, he was always making sure his mother was doing well. Gary dearly loved his mother. Gary met a great companion, Connie. Gary and Connie always like to go to TC’s and socialize with the crew, or who was there at the bar. When you went into TC’s you knew that Gary was there. He was always singing, especially birthday or Christmas songs very loud or talking trash with someone.

After Connie’s passing, Gary was just a home body. He enjoyed watching baseball and football. While watching his teams, the Boston Red Soxs and Denver Broncos, Gary loved to talk trash to all his friends while they were playing. Also, Gary loved to harass his friends and nephews. Gary enjoyed seeing people come over to visit, especially his grandkids. He had 4 granddaughters, Kylee (Dylan), Jayden, Alexis, and Kenzie. 1 grandson Daniel, and 2 great-grandsons, Olivers and Leo. In which he dearly loved and cherished.

Gary was proceeded in death by his mother and father, Josephine and Gary, his companion Connie and nephew Robert. Survived by his lovely dog Marley, sons; Shawn, David, and Joseph, daughters; Sara, and Sammi, his brother Don (Cathy), sisters; Susie, Jolleen (Lee), Cathy (Dan), his 5 grandkids, and 2 great-grandkids and several nieces, nephews and cousins.

Funeral services will be held at Smith Funeral Chapel West 304 34Th Street West, Billings MT on September 20, at 11 a.m. with a reception to follow.