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•   Janice Hicks (Whiteside)  7/18
•   Victoria Wetch (Layman)  6/12
•   Mollie Kelleher  5/19
•   William “Bill” South  3/31
•   James Dugan  3/24
•   Elaine Bohrer (Couture)  3/24
•   Steve Ballard  1/7
•   Jim Roper  12/22
•   Barb Butler  11/17
•   Jeffrey Sykes  11/10
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•   Kim Kron  10/25
•   Cheryl Jordan  10/28
•   Donna Patton (Sannon)  10/30
•   Donna Gabel  11/1
•   Haydn M Thomas  11/1
•   Barb Butler  11/3
•   Kathleen Reinecke (Day)  11/5
•   Mark Schultz  11/5
•   Sunny Sande (Murray)  11/11
•   David Whitlock  11/12
•   Bruce Hoefer  11/14
•   John Thies  11/16
•   Holly Henson (King)  11/17
•   Michael Manning  11/18


•   Gary Strever  2024
•   Helen Hart  2024
•   Barbara Paul (Anderson)  2024
•   Pamela Duff (Gabel)  2024
•   Timothy Kite  2024
•   Jorma Sahlstedt  2023
•   James Sandall  2024
•   Debra Shishkowsky  2022
•   Dennis Brumfield  2023
•   David Elliott  2009
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Percentage of Joined Classmates: 38.8%

A:   243   Joined
B:   383   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!



Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Alabama
5 live in Alaska
23 live in Arizona
18 live in California
14 live in Colorado
7 live in Florida
1 lives in Georgia
1 lives in Hawaii
13 live in Idaho
1 lives in Illinois
1 lives in Indiana
4 live in Kansas
2 live in Maine
2 live in Massachusetts
2 live in Michigan
4 live in Minnesota
4 live in Missouri
278 live in Montana
1 lives in Nebraska
8 live in Nevada
1 lives in New Hampshire
1 lives in New Jersey
2 live in New Mexico
2 live in North Carolina
2 live in North Dakota
3 live in Ohio
2 live in Oklahoma
17 live in Oregon
2 live in Pennsylvania
4 live in South Carolina
4 live in South Dakota
1 lives in Tennessee
10 live in Texas
7 live in Utah
1 lives in Virginia
36 live in Washington
2 live in Wisconsin
11 live in Wyoming
1 lives in Quebec
1 lives in Mexico
1 lives in Portugal
120 location unknown
98 are deceased

Our Skyline Bench is Up and Running!

We are glad to report that the bench all three schools chipped in to buy through a GoFundMe effort has been installed along the new, fabulous Skyline Trail on our beloved Rimrocks.  The bench is situated just a little east of "Fenceline," so you know the area.  The view is wonderful. Thank you to Karen Tanner (Central) for spearheading this project.  Our legacy is now cemented in stone (brass).


  Reunion photos are a kick                

Check out the reunion photos from Friday and Saturday night. On the left menu bar at the top is Reunion Photos. It has links for Google Drive and Facebook. The older we get the better we used to be - and still are! 


Thank You to Mark MacLeod (Senior '73) for this cool drone shot he took free of charge at our Saturday night event at ZooMontana.  Where's Waldo? Or, in this case, where's Geno (hint: he's the blue blur in the front). Mark is a photographer in Bozeman if you need a photographer in that area ( He also said he's up for just having a beer.

Stay in touch! Post updates and photos on your profile page.